Therapeutic Massage of Falls Church
Helping You Stay Healthy


Reiki (pronounced ray key) is a Japanese word that can be translated to mean universal life energy or spiritually guided energy. Universal life energy is always around us, like water is for fish. Many spiritual philosophies teach that we are made up of energy (Qi, Chi, Prana, Mana, Life Force, etc.). This energy flows within us and makes up the universe around us. When our energy, or our interaction with the sea of energy around us, is in balance, we are healthy and in balance. If our energy gets out of balance, or blocked, we can become ill or open to injury. We naturally use the universal life energy in and around us to stay balanced and healthy. Reiki is a hands-on healing system that allows us to easily "tap into" the unlimited supply of universal life energy and facilitate its use for healing ourselves and others.


My Reiki Training:

April took her Reiki level 1 training from Reiki Master Helen Haberly, a student of Hawayo Takata (Ms. Takata is credited for bringing Reiki to the US and for spreading it throughout the world). She took her level 2 & 3 Training with Reiki Master Ruth Van Landingham.


About Learning Reiki:

  • Anyone can learn Reiki
  • Learning & applying Reiki does not require special talent or knowledge of energy
  • Reiki cannot be done wrong and will not harm
  • The more you use it, the stronger it becomes
  • Once you have it - you have it for life
  • When you are treating someone, you receive a treatment yourself
  • You do not deplete any of your own energy
  • You do NOT acquire your client’s symptoms
  • The Reiki will go to whereever you and/or you client need it most


How is Reiki Taught?

Reiki is not taught in the typical way we learn other techniques. Instead, the student is "tuned into" the Reiki energy through a ceremony that the teacher (Reiki Master) performs, called an attunement. This is an unusual concept for the western mind, so we use the analogy of a radio to help explain it. Radio waves are continuously present around us, but we are only aware of them when we tune into a particular radio station. The attunements help to tune the student into the always present Reiki life force energy in such a way that it is always available for use. Once the student has received the Reiki attunement, the healing Reiki energy will be available for use anytime the student places his or her hands on themselves or others in need of healing. There is no ego or judgement when providing Reiki. You need only to place your hands on the receiver, and the energy will flow in whatever way it is needed most.


Three class levels: Reiki I, II, III

Level I – History, Reiki principals, treating yourself & others - $250

Level II – Distance healing, three Reiki symbols & their use - $250

Level III – How to teach Reiki & the master symbol and its use, additional ways to use Reiki - $800


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